Today is the 2nd of February, 2024, and it is the last day of working on HashX for the Hashnode Hackathon.
It was a really long day, to be honest, because yesterday I slept around 5 and woke up a bit late, and I had a lot of work to do today. I had to do some testing and bug fixes, if any, and obviously, I did that and found a lot of small bugs again when I tested on different users' browsers. I fixed all of them, but the thing that took time was the content part of it.
The major tasks that I had to complete today were, first, the readme file for the public GitHub repository that will be out so that people can install the Chrome extension locally; second, the main blog that I have to write in order to qualify for the hackathon; and third, to fix all these series blogs along with correct images, titles, and also the cover posters for all of these series blogs.
This is the last blog of the hackathon journey, and it was adventurous and amazing. I don't know what the results of the hackathon will be. I could win, I could not win—someone will win eventually—but I have put in all the effort that I think I could have done in the last 15 days, including a lot of sleepless nights, in order to make this product a perfect Hashnode product. And I hope you all will like to use it, and also that the mentors who are reviewing the hackathon projects will like the product and the product idea.
Just hoping for the best. Let's see.