Day 2 - Exploring GraphQL and Hashnode APIS

Day 2 - Exploring GraphQL and Hashnode APIS

Today is the 19th of January 2024 and day 2 of the Hashnode hackathon. My goal for to understand GraphQL and also some overview of Hashnode API so that I can predict how many features should I be building in my Chrome extension.

Till Now I have clarity that my extension will be a sidebar it can be either on the right or left side or will add a feature to change that as per the user's choice. Till now my experience with GraphQL is not so good. I saw some of the articles and also some YouTube videos. But I think I’ll need a little better understanding of it to build a little complex project like mine.

As per my research till now, I will for sure have some sections like feeds, profiles, and writing draft blogs for people to just put on their ideas. I thought I should allow users to publish it but I know real experience of writing blogs is in the Hashnode UI only. So I will stick to draft only.

The name of my extension will be HASH-X. That is "Hashnode Extension". This is the first draft of my logo.

Have also made a rough wireframe of the profile section. Here is what it looks like.

There is a lot more to figure out and learn. This weekend I have to hustle hard and have to finalize a lot of things.

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